How new devs can prove they're work ready

How new devs can prove they're work ready

How does a new bootcamp grad demonstrate the skills to do the job?

If I may ask: What kind of work have the people who have used your program found, and how did they demonstrate their knowledge and ability sufficiently to get a job?

I have applied to more than 140 plus jobs and with only two interviews.

The first step in this process is figuring out what you’re trying to demonstrate.

You’re a bootcamp graduate. What you need to demonstrate is basic proficiency in shipping code, the ability to learn, and the willingness to do the work. Nobody expects you to be a senior engineer when you’re just barely starting out.

Let’s take those points one by one:

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Starting a new course

Starting a new course

Ok, in the service of building in public, I’m starting a new course on marketing software products. I’m dedicating myself to putting my work online, live, warts and all, so we’re going to be digging into the nitty gritty details of how I plan to work here.

The following is a breakdown of this week’s goals:

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About this thing

About this thing

This is mostly a goal centered around building in public and getting me off my ass. I have very strong beliefs around putting yourself out there if you’re serious about… well, nearly any endeavor.

I’m also old enough and accomplished enough that I have some deep rooted, irrational fears about looking stupid.

I can make equally strong arguments for being a legit badass and a fucking loser. I’m not going to pick a side on that, but I am going to share some things that have happened to me over the years that taught me a lesson. You can make up your own mind which camp I fall into. Don’t @ me, let it be a surprise.

With that in mind, I am going to set myself a few ground rules.

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